The role of a detective agency in combating unfair competition

The detective points out that practices of unfair competition often bring the company high financial losses. They can lead to a loss of financial liquidity, and what is more, a declaration of bankruptcy. It is true that you can track the president of a suspicious company on your own, but due to the nature of these activities, there is no guarantee of obtaining the appropriate information and evidence. In the most common practices of unfair competition, actions are taken that are so specific that lack of experience prevents their quick and effective detection. Hence, the help of a qualified private detective is recommended here. For example, the category of such activities includes in particular:

  • violation of company secrets regarding technical, technological and organizational information
  • slandering the company and spreading false information about it
  • imitation of the company's products
  • conducting dishonest marketing (unfair advertising, promotion)
  • selling similar products at dumping prices
  • bribery of public office holders.

Detective Krakow, as part of its qualifications, will help to reveal these unfair activities by collecting the necessary data, and especially by analyzing information about the suspicious company, interviewing employees and associates, and conducting observations of companies suspected of using unfair competition practices.

Starting the monitoring of a suspicious company as soon as possible by a professional private detective will allow you to eliminate or minimize the effects of unfair competition.