Detective services for individuals - Detective Piotr Poźniak

Our detective office in Krakow specializes in civil and commercial cases. As part of our services, we offer such activities and arrangements as: family matters, evidence of infidelity to the court, verification of fidelity of a partner or spouse, observation of people, property determinations, searching for people, determining the place of residence of a person, searching for property, detecting spying devices, writing transcripts, and criminal cases as well.

Private detective P&P Piotr Poźniak is a specialist company that helps in civil cases in Krakow and the surrounding area. We help in matters such as divorce, division of property and inheritance, civil lawsuits and many others. Interested in other custom detective services? Contact us!

We perform genetic tests in the laboratory and expert opinions (DNA, dactyloscopy, phonoscopy). We collect evidence, document cases of betrayal and partner and marital infidelity. We help in matters such as establishing intimate and social contacts. A good treason detective from Krakow? P&P Piotr Pozniak.

We cooperate with law firms specializing in infidelity and divorce. Many people decide to use the help of a professional detective in court, because it increases the chances of obtaining a favorable verdict. We offer assistance in divorce cases from the very beginning, suspicions against the spouse, until the end of the case in court.

We specialize in discreet detective observation, documenting cases of infidelity, collecting evidence of marital infidelity. Are you wondering where to find a good detective office specializing in divorces? You don't have to search any longer.

Detective services for business in Krakow and the surrounding area

Do you have doubts about the credibility of your business partner or partner? The customer is behind on the invoice and claims that he has nothing to pay with? Does the employee use a company car or equipment for private purposes? We offer assistance in matters such as professional observation of people and property in Krakow and the surrounding provinces.

Podejrzewasz, że były wspólnik działa na Twoją szkodę? Masz podejrzenia, że konkurencja podejmuje wobec Twojego biznesu nieuczciwe działania lub nawet stosuje podsłuchy w Twoim biurze, lokalu czy innych miejscach pracy? Zajmujemy się wykrywaniem oszustw gospodarczych, nieuczciwej konkurencji, monitorowaniem i weryfikacją pracowników. W zakresie naszej działalności są też takie usługi jak windykacja, czy pomoc w sprawach gospodarczych w sądzie. Dobra agencja detektywistyczna od spraw gospodarczych? Tylko P&P Piotr Poźniak Detektyw Kraków.

The entrepreneur knows how important the trade secrets of a particular company are. Do you suspect that someone may be spying on your activity? Do you want to be sure that the company's headquarters is not bugged? We will take care of it, we offer wiretapping detection in Krakow and the surrounding area using professional equipment.

Everyone who runs a business sooner or later encounters a situation where there is a problem with enforcing payment for work performed or goods collected. Unpaid invoice? Protracted payment delays and problems with debt enforcement? As a commercial detective agency, we know this very well. We work with an effective debt collection company and together we will help you recover your money.
