The role of the detective in the verification of candidates for employees

The role of the detective in the verification of candidates for employees The employer depends on competent employees, devoted to their work, committed to the employer and his company.

To ensure its safety, a foresighted entrepreneur should commission verification of employees. Detective Kraków emphasizes that this is particularly important when hiring managers, because if someone manages people and directs their work, he must be loyal to the employer.

As a private investigator with appropriate qualifications, he undertakes to prepare a full history of the candidate, verifying the data contained in his CV, checking whether the candidate has a criminal record, whether he has any claims and debts, whether he works in other companies and what functions he performs in them.

Regardless of this, I would like to point out that for the business to function well, it is advisable to periodically verify the staff, which helps to protect the company against dishonest employees and corruption, which is associated with material losses. Thus, thanks to the professional help of a detective in this regard, a crisis situation can be avoided. Regular monitoring of the employee consists primarily in cyclical checking of criminal records, debt, the nature of parallel business activity, capital and personal connections in competing companies, as well as activities carried out in social media.

As a private detective, I also professionally assess whether a candidate for an employee has shown honesty and loyalty in his previous job, and in particular whether his work was efficient, whether he did not use the employer's resources for private purposes (e.g. a company car for trips unrelated to the nature of work) . In addition, as part of my detective qualifications, I can check whether the employed employees perform their duties diligently during working hours and how they deal with, for example, customer service.

It should also be noted that many employers include in the employment contract the so-called a competition clause, which prohibits parallel work or starting a business activity that would compete with the employer's activity.

Gaining loyal and reliable employees and business partners is ensured by using the help of a qualified detective who, after collecting and analyzing data about a potential employee, will facilitate the employer's decision to hire a candidate.