Valentine's Day from a Detective's Perspective
Valentine's Day, also known as Valentine's Day, is just a few days away. We associate February 14 with red cards with a declaration of love, a bouquet of roses, a romantic dinner for two or huge teddy bears holding hearts with the meaningful inscription "I love you" in their paws.
Valentine's Day history
Valentine's Day has a long history. It probably all started with the Lupercalia Eve celebrated in ancient Rome on February 14, i.e. celebrations in honor of Juno (the Roman goddess of women and marriage). The young men then drew lots of girls with whom they were to spend time dancing. It often ended in love for life. The celebration became so popular that it was celebrated for centuries. Only in the 5th century, thanks to Pope Gelasius I, it was replaced with the liturgical feast of St. Valentine, martyr, patron of lovers.
Valentine's Day in Poland
In Poland, the June Sobótka (also called Kupala Night) was defined as the most romantic holiday. This pagan custom consisted in lighting a large bonfire for the whole night, dancing in its glow and partying until the morning. The rituals made that night, shrouded in a dose of mystery and magic, were also associated with placing and throwing wreaths by young ladies into the water.
In Poland, Valentine's Day gained popularity only in the 90s of the twentieth century, when after the political change we opened up to the west and its culture.
Even if you're not in love, let others love you
The custom of sending Valentine's cards is described by part of Polish society as unnecessary Americanization and commercialization of love. There is no doubt, however, that many people, especially young people, get carried away by the magic of Valentine's Day. They like to give each other small gifts and show their affection. Fact, love should be shown every day of the year, not just on February 14. However, nothing stands in the way of treating this one day exceptionally romantic, taking the girl for a delicious dinner in a good restaurant or going to the cinema together.
Remember - Valentine's Day is an option that we don't have to use. If you don't feel the need to celebrate them in any special way, then don't. However, let's not be skeptical about the things of lovers who await this day with anticipation.
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